Woodcrest Resort Park


Terrain de camping privé

1570 Myers Cave Rd, RR 1
Harlowe, ON
K0H 1B0

Voir la carte

Hwy 7 to Kaladar, north on Hwy 41 to Harlowe Road, turn right and follow signs. Family camping. Wooded, waterfront, modern facilities. Sandy beach, playground, trailer rental. Store, sales, service. Hosts: the Colton family.


Attractions et services à proximité

Station de dumping



Service d'égout mobile

Fournitures RV

Beach swimming


Cour de récréation

Boat rental (motorized), Boat rental (non-motorized), Fishing, Golf (mini), Shuffleboard


Informations de contact

Site web : www.woodcrestresort.com

Téléphone : 613-336-2966

Toll Free: 800-847-3324

Facebook : WoodcrestResortPark

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