Lovesick Lake Park Inc


Terrain de camping privé

4738 Hwy 28
Burleigh Falls, ON
K0L 2H0

Voir la carte

Welcome to Lovesick Lake Beach Resort, a seasonal vacation park on the beautiful waters of Lovesick Lake and the famous Trent/Severn waterway. Whether you enjoy fishing, boating or just relaxing on our sandy beach, Lovesick Lake Beach Resort has something for everyone. We also offer housekeeping cottages fully equipped with modern amenities, including a private bathroom, a fridge, a stove, a front deck and a gas barbecue.The Burleigh Falls area is most famous for the pickerel run at the start of the fishing season. You can also explore the shimmering water and many islands of Lovesick Lake by boat, canoe or kayak. Be sure to check the links below for a full description of park amenities.


Attractions et services à proximité

Motorboats allowed, Restaurants, Swimming (lake, river), Basketball, Dances, Fishing, Horseshoes


Comment arriver ici

From south/west• Hwy 401 east to Hwy 35/115, exit 436.• Hwy 35/115 to Hwy 7, east to Hwy 28. • Turn left on Hwy 28 and go north for 28 km to Stricker's Ln.From east• Hwy 401 west to Hwy 62, exit 543.• Hwy 62 north to Hwy 7. • Left at Hwy 7 to Hwy 28. • Turn right on Hwy 28 and go north for 28 km to Stricker's Ln.Then:• Turn left on Stricker's Ln and follow driveway for 1 km to stop sign.• Turn right to office.


Informations de contact

Site web :

Téléphone : 705-654-3587

Toll Free: 877-654-3587

Facebook : LovesickLakePark/

Gazouillement : lovesicklakepar

Instagram : explore

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