Lake Consecon Resort


Terrain de camping privé

5430 County Rd 1, RR 2
Consecon, ON
K0K 1T0

Voir la carte

16 km S of Trenton & Hwy 401 in Prince Edward County. Bicycling or driving distance to 14 wineries offering tastings & tours. 6 housekeeping cottages on the waterfront. Fishing, playground, in-ground pool, natural shoreline, spring-fed lake. 5 minutes to North Beach, 20 minutes to Sandbanks. Sorry, we are not set up to handle big rigs.


Attractions et services à proximité

Basketball, Fishing, Motorboats allowed, Restaurants, Wine tours


Comment arriver ici

Hwy 401, exit 522 Wooler Rd. Turn R. S to Hwy 33, keep R. S to County Rd 1 (Prince Edward Rd 1), turn L, 3 km on L side of road.


Informations de contact

Site web :

Téléphone : 613-399-5518

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